Use Cases

Seamless Offline to Online Connection

Making connections in person has never been easier. Simply scan the personalised QR code generated on the Web3 Card or click on the CNS to view a new connection's entire social graph and exchange contacts.

Recognition and Rewards

Any application built on the Cardano network can plug into CNS and let users be discovered by their CNS on the application. Active contributors and community members can be verified and rewarded for their contributions to the ecosystem as CNS are linked to their Cardano wallets. Being able to identify and give recognition to the biggest contributors fosters stronger community building and accrues greater goodwill in the ecosystem.

Verifiable Credentials

Social Identity Verification

Fake profiles are rife in today's social networks, with few ways for users to verify the authenticity of these profiles. For example, users on LinkedIn can list their employment history on their profile without having to prove they actually worked at any of the companies.

Currently, the CNS Web3 Card supports verification on Telegram handle. You will see a blue tick on the social profile if it is verified. Going forward we will continue integrating verification of more platforms into CNS.

Future - Credential Verification

Any false credentials posted will only be exposed if other users or the companies report it. With a CNS name tying a user's identity to a social profile, companies can issue non-fungible, non-transferable tokens to official employees representing their current or past employment status in a company, providing a transparent way to verify credentials that is fully on-chain. With a CNS anybody will be able to reliably check a user's credentials through the soul-bound tokens linked to the CNS.

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